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syy • 2 years ago

that means lapanui was there from the beginning?! It's mindblowing how every smallest threads are connected to each other

King Luffy • 8 months ago

Yes, also Luffy and straw hat crew's name are written in that book, that means it's a history.
This filler arc is really amazing.

ANNADROMEDA • 2 years ago

Wait. So all this time Robin was reading the book Marine!Rapanui wrote? He wrote and mentioned "Luffy Pirates" though. Did she take note of that???

Running In The 90s • 2 years ago

the luffy pirates were mentioned in the last book, the one she didn't have

zenni • 2 years ago

This is a good story

Lonesome Dude • 2 years ago

Ima simplify it for the sake of the 1 brain celled weebs (I'm no better)

Kids went into the mist 50 years ago, Henzo was left behind.
Henzo spent 50 years searching for a way to rescue the kids.
Henzo and Straw pirates went into the mist in the present
They came back to the present without the kids.
The kids after the incident waited for another opening and came back to their present which was 50 years ago.
They transported to an unknown island.
Grew up as marines for 50 years while Henzo was searching for a way to rescue them.
Midst the 50 years of them growing up Henzo was ignorant of their existence as marine soldiers.
Therefore, Henzo and the grown-up kids aged the same.

To sum it up 50 days after the incident (1 day in the mist = 1 year in the real world) when the kids and henzo got seperated the kids already went back to the real world and grew up as marines.

(I'm no expert, this was a half-witted explanation feel free to correct the wrongs)

Δs†αrο†h • 1 year ago

and I think if rapanui and friends contacted presents henzo before henzo went in the rainbow mist, it would create a time paradox.

SageSylvie • 7 months ago

The kids didn't escape through another opening. The same explosion that blasted the Going merry out also blasted the kids out to that island but back in time 50 years ago.

Sergeant Neza • 10 months ago

This explains everything except for Ian who is from the past but came to the future by following Nami's rope. I am thinking maybe there are several entrances to the Rainbow Mist and to be able to go to your own time you must exit to where you came in. So in the end, the Pumpkin pirates was able to exit on a different time (50 years ago) and got washed up to an island, rescued by the Marine and wrote their Adventure.

<LUCIFER> 《SENPAI》9x9 • 2 years ago

There still more to go😥

ChikiPaw • 1 year ago

that's actually so cool of a time-based story

Muichiro_Tokito216 • 2 years ago

can anyone tell me when does skypeia arc starts??...at which eps

Raven Shue • 1 year ago

ard the 200 to 300 eps, but ig youre alr there lmao

Muichiro_Tokito216 • 1 year ago

yeah currently i am at whole cake island ep 805

Raven Shue • 1 year ago

so fast! im in the middle of skypeia :")

Muichiro_Tokito216 • 1 year ago

no bro it took me 5 months....nicee man just dont skip skypeia its a really good arc

Raven Shue • 1 year ago

ikkkkk, i just finished it HAHAH

Muichiro_Tokito216 • 1 year ago

nicee bro

Raven Shue • 1 year ago

nope mb, intro is the next ep, but there will be comments on where it starts (info for new watchers as well)

L0L1C0N • 2 years ago

Even tho it ends I still wanna punch that Rapa nui :)

Dig Bick • 2 years ago

Done watching episode 1 to 142 and here I'am watching episode 143 right now

RIPTHATMEOWAYY • 7 months ago


Otaku_Girl • 9 months ago

One of the best filler arc because of the ending.

SomeRandomUglyDude... • 1 year ago

Ngl, this Rainbow Mist Arc, especially the ending was amazing.

Ani-man • 1 year ago

Everything is according to my plan

Ani-man • 1 year ago

Man actually I liked the ending especially the author of the book scenes
I had already predicted something like this would happen 3 eps ago..

van • 2 years ago

all i got from the mist thing is that when u come back out youre back to your original timeline, lets say person a got in the mist at 2000 and person b got in 1900 when they come out person a will be back in 2000 and person b is back in 1900. please correct me

Shiori (❤ Yamato ❤) • 2 years ago

except you follow a thing connected to a specific timeline i guess
Because Ian followed the rope leading the the present (or future from his view)

kaizokuo-luffy • 2 years ago

can someone explain to me the whole mist thing? i dont get it at all T-T its like your name's timeline but a lot more complicated T-T

Daniel Zhang • 2 years ago

I'm not the best at explaining, but to me, it's..

The scientist's friends get sucked up into the mist when they were kids
The scientist's friends barely aged inside the mist
Luffy's crew and the scientist went inside the mist
After Luffy's crew and the scientist returned to the present, the kids instead got teleported into the past by 50 years and eventually all of them became Marines
They show up present day as the Marines you see here.

There are a few time travel theories/logics (I'm not using official terminology for time travel), this one seems to have one timeline, so all time travelling actions affects one timeline, I believe? Because all actions affect the same timeline, the kids are able to show up to into Luffy's present day as adults. Because the kids time travelled 50 years into the past, they would be 50 years older after 50 years have passed... I'm no expert so I might be wrong...

shamel csnz • 2 years ago

i still dont understand cuz we seen him before rapa nui also rapa nui said smt abt his father so i thought that was his father, i dont get it tho they come out of the mist 50 years older but they we alrdy seen them before?

Phavur's Closet • 2 years ago

I'm guessing rapa nui's dad died, also in the rainbow mist they are lots of openings to the outside world but in different time periods. Luffy and the others went through the opening of the mist in the present, while the pumpkin pirates went through an opening that the time period is fifty years ago.

I think the reason, rapa nui didn't reveal himself to Henzo was because if he did, the events that would take place in the future won't take place. Time and space is complicated lol.

Chopper • 2 years ago

Why Ian stay the same tho?

Shiori (❤ Yamato ❤) • 2 years ago

because Ian followed the rope that lead to the persent

kaizokuo-luffy • 2 years ago

its still a bit foggy to me, but thank youu! i appreciate it :))

AMAYAonHIATUS • 2 years ago

i still dont get it lol even after watching for a few times

Rion • 2 years ago

i dont get it too xd

zenni • 2 years ago

basically time travel

zen • 2 years ago

before henzo said that the marines are pumpkin pirates i knew it already because of their looks lol

DruggedLuffy • 2 years ago

Bro I was saying the same thing to my siblings I thought I was so big brain lol

Elizerwizer • 5 months ago

Funny how this filler is better than a whole main story line arabasta arc.

Mr_knight • 6 months ago

This was good Arc , good time travel arc ( in a way )

anon-kun • 1 year ago

Well that was a nice little filler

oldies1 • 1 year ago

This is my first twist that made me surprised a lot

Zars Kepler • 1 year ago

Oda must've been on some epic sh*t to come up with this

Renan xD • 1 year ago


Renan xD • 1 year ago

7:12 rolling thunder. that special move name is familiar hmmm

Lajward • 1 year ago

Interesting episode

Seeku. • 1 year ago


安芸倫也 • 1 year ago

Do this marine crew appears in New world??